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Applies different summary statistics functions to `roleExperiment`, `roleModel`, or `roleData` objects.


getSumStats(x, funs = .getDefaultSumStatsFuns(), moreArgs, ...)

# S4 method for roleData
getSumStats(x, funs, moreArgs)

# S4 method for roleModel
getSumStats(x, funs, moreArgs)

# S4 method for roleExperiment
getSumStats(x, funs, moreArgs)



The object to calculate summary statistics on.


A named list of functions to calculate the summary statistics; can be a named list with a single function or many functions, but must be a named list of functions. If unspecified, defaults to including several standard stats. Included diversity index functions in roleR are: `hillAbund`, `hillGenetic`,`hillPhylo` & `richness`. Included raw stats functions are `rawAbundance`, `rawSpAbundance`,`rawSppId`,`rawTraits`,`rawGenDiv`,`rawSeqs`, `rawBranchLengths` & `rawApePhylo`.


An optional named list of additional arguments to pass to the functions listed in `funs`. If given, list names must match those in `funs`. Note: not all names in `funs` need to appear in `moreArgs`




data.frame containing summary stats where each row is a model snapshot and each column is a summary stat requested by a function provided to `funs`


Users can define their own functions, so long as they work on any object of class `roleData`.


# get the species richness 
# rich_stat <- getSumStats(model, funs = list(rich = richness))
# get many default summary stats
# stats <- getSumStats(model)